The basis of conservation is keeping what is of quality and worth keeping, as the starting point of any new design. It is the foundation of good design and economy in construction.
Initial visit
The aim of an initial visit is to guide historic building owners in finding sensitive solutions that have the best chance of achieving planning and listed building consent.
We have an excellent track record of gaining listed building consent for alterations to traditional buildings and historic houses. 94% of our applications for planning and listed building consent have been approved.
Building Survey
To justify that historic structures are capable of reuse and that the technical elements of building construction are achievable before consent is granted, a building survey is often required.
As architects working exclusively on historic buildings we have good foresight of the technical aspects of development that will be required as part of a scheme of alteration or development.
Heritage Statement
The purpose of the heritage statement is to provide guidance on where alterations are likely to be supported, mitigate damage to historic fabric and to demonstrate the age and significance of fabric being altered.
Where extensions or internal and external alterations are require to a listed, curtilage listed buildings and non-designated heritage assets, a heritage statement will be required.
Feasibility Study
The purpose of a feasibility study is to test design solutions, inside as well as out so that the scheme functions spatially, looks beautiful and is easily deliverable in its construction.
We appreciate that once the project is complete, it is your building, and it should be designed as you would like it. We do not impose our ideas, but produce sketches and precedents so that you are fully engaged in the design process.
Planning and Listed Building Consent
A pre-application usually takes 6 weeks and is a private consultation with the local authority or Historic England
We advise our clients to carry out a pre-application to avoid protracted negotiations, further consultation and lengthy conditions at the end of a planning process.
Interior Design
As part of an advanced service we offer an interior design service. The detailed design of joinery, fixtures and fitting and the preparation of room data sheets.
We have 3D modelling capability and can provide a virtual ‘walk’ around 3D model
Working drawings
To provide adequate information for your builder to price and construct, a final set of drawn information is required for construction purposes and calculations are required for building control purposes.
In very simple projects some cases all that is required is the planning drawings and a report, whilst in other cases technical drawings are required to coordinate drainage and structural information.
Tender documents
Don’t leave it to this stage to find a good local builder, someone that you are comfortable with working with and check their availability.
We can help recommend good building companies, and we recommend that you look for local builders early in the process. If you require our help we can prepare a schedule of work and preliminary health and safety information for pricing.
we will look after the project for you during the construction process.
We will gladly arrange for construction contracts to be put in place and advise on insurance. We will carry out regular site inspections to check that work are on progress, the quality of the construction and keep control of project costs
What our clients said about us
“Thank you for both the email containing the renders, and listed build consent drawings; both Abigail and I are absolutely thrilled with them! The renders do look brilliant, and there isn't really any aspect of the proposal that we haven't fallen in love with.”
james mackintosh architects limited
chipping norton
First Floor, 21 The High Street,
Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire
01608 692 310
Shakespeare’s Painted Room,
Third Floor, 3 Cornmarket Street,
Oxford, OX1 3EX
01865 950 730